Renu Sethi



As your Mindfulness Trainer, Health Coach and Healer, I will help you deal with life’s challenges, break free from self-limiting beliefs, and embrace infinite possibilities.

With me you will:

My Cornerstone

Everything is changeable. The only thing constant is our soul or our ‘Being’. And that’s where our true power lies. This divinity within can do anything and everything. I tapped into this power and changed my life. Now you can do it too, as I show you the way forward.

Why I Do What I Do

What defines me is the ability to understand people, the urge to connect with them, and give them confidence and consolation in any situation. In my work, I find the route through which to unleash the nurturer within me to impact and heal lives. This is what lends me an absolute sense of satisfaction and joy. 

Simplicity. Silence. Self-Love

My Story

In 2007, I moved to the US from India with my 3 kids, shifted into a small apartment leaving behind a huge house, and faced a financial crunch in a new country with no social connections. Managing my kids along with some health issues that I had developed, I felt stuck. But being a survivor, a fighter, I never gave up. I figured my way out with my positivity and patience.


Rituals of mindfulness, meditation, and reading scriptures was a part of me ever since I can remember. But now, I began to explore the teachings of Louise Hay and practiced them in my life. Eventually, I healed and got life back on track, acquiring immense wisdom and realization in the process.


On mastering the personalised mantra meditation practice that I learned at Chopra Centre, I experienced psychological and physical improvements in me. I felt my energy and vitality revive, and I was brimming forth with happiness. I started to truly enjoy life.


I realized what helped me and my family could benefit many others, and I took the first step towards healing others, and the results have been magical.


With a further study and certification as Chopra Health Instructor, I now help my clients achieve a body, mind, soul balance and enable healing holistically.


All sessions are available online in 45 minutes to 120 minutes format.  Receive support, encouragement, and practical guidance
as you develop your meditation practice. Sign up for what works for you.

Love Yourself, Heal
Your Life

A Powerful, life-changing workshop based on the philosophy of Louise Hay

  • Learn self-love with mirror work
  • Heal the inner child
  • Uncover negative messages
  • Release basic beliefs
  • Change your thoughts
  • Open up to love with forgiveness
  • Calm your mind; energise health
  • Enable willingness to change
  • Master affirmations and visualization


A Deepak Chopra meditation technique rooted in the Vedic tradition of India

  • Get an antidote to stress
  • Enhance your inner silence
  • Lower your blood pressure
  • Rewire your sleep patterns
  • Fine-tune the software of your soul
  • Cultivate self-compassion and creativity
  • Achieve harmonious relationships
  • Break free of conditional patterns
  • Awaken your intuition

Wellbeing and the Inner Power

A personalised coaching intervention to achieve greater health & vitality

  • Get rid of fatigue and stress
  • Enhance sleep quality 
  • Get personalised diet & exercise plan
  • Build immunity naturally
  • Boost energy with right nutrition
  • Achieve ideal weight & stay fit
  • Reverse lifestyle diseases
  • Bring peace and positivity
  • Enrich your quality of life



What people say...

Divya Kumar

Renu Aunty’s coaching is gentle and loving. It almost felt like it was divine intervention that brought her into my life at a time when I was trying to find my authentic self. She helped me navigate some hard relationships with myself and others and I truly felt rejuvenated after each session. I would highly recommend sessions with her for self growth, healing and self discovery.

Sanjay & Dimple Bahal, Delhi, India

After joining Renu's program, I've experienced tremendous changes in life. My stress levels are now low and minimal. My medicines for stress prescribed by doctors have been reduced. My working efficiency is increased and I'm enjoying my work. My gratitude is for all in my life in general and to Renu Sethi in particular. Now, I am a happy and an energetic person. I'll continue my program for meditation as it has become a part of my day-to-day life.

Rani Sahni, Kuwait

I highly recommend Renu’s sessions to everyone. It really helped me. The warmth and meditation techniques she gives, gave me an insight into how to do meditate the right way. She’s extremely patient and positive. The STOP technique helped me to put my negative thoughts on halt and take myself away from the negativity. I’m not a transformed person as yet but I feel I’m on my journey to be more positive. I’ve got a good grip of myself after doing her sessions.

Kanwar Bhasin, California, USA

Renu's sessions have been a life-changing course for me. This is, by far, the best "self-help" course I have ever undertaken. The way in which Renu helped me identify my issues, and addressed them was excellent because I was expertly guided to find my own solutions. This course has helped me feel calmer, more focused, and think more clearly. I can make more informed decisions now, I can sleep better, I am transforming my relationships, and I have increased energy. The meditation technique has helped me with a battle I have had with insomnia. Professionally, these sessions have helped me to be more effective in my communication with leaders, employees, peers, and internal customers; increased confidence in my own abilities; using coaching skills to help grow and develop my team; ability to better balance my passion for work and my time with family.

Sherry Wuu

During this pandemic time, it is easy to feel low, panic, worry, and stress. I found Renu was friendly and approachable. She explained positive meditation and mindfulness well. I appreciate Renu’s patience and one can speak openly and honestly during discussions. I feel a lot calmer, more positive, and grounded after her guided meditation. I feel this will be helpful, and I do recommend her positive mediation to friends and everyone.

Wendy Basden

Renu is one of the kindest, sweetest souls I know.  She is very knowledgeable in her teachings and delivers the information in a clear, easy to understand format.  Her meditations are very pure, calming, and deeply felt. I happily recommend Renu’s classes and meditations!

Casey Brey

I decided to do a session with Renu because I had heard that meditation was good for stress. After the session, I felt calmer and it helped me to stop and think. After one session, I did not feel too much of a change or shift in my life, but I knew I wanted more of it. I definitely recommend Renu to others.

Sukhwant Kaur

To get rid of emotional struggles or stress everyone tries to meditate. But no one knows the right way. So, I decided to join Renu’s sessions. In the sessions, I learned more than meditation. I learned how to love myself, how to handle any situation by practicing the word ‘Stop’, and love others. I now notice some changes in my life. With the help of affirmations, I feel a sense of relief because I feel God or the universe is going to fulfil my needs. I have learned forgiveness, which has helped me a lot. It gives me peace of mind. I would like to recommend Renu to others. Internally, everyone is struggling with their emotions. By joining Renu’s sessions, one can come out of emotional struggles.

Neena Anand

At a time when I had been feeling very low and stressed, Renu came into my life as a saviour to help and guide me to deal with my negative thoughts and emotions with different techniques of meditation. Her 1:1 sessions have helped me to speak openly and honestly about my issues which have been causing me stress and anxiety. The STOP technique has really helped me control my negative thoughts and emotions. Renu is very open, relaxed, caring and easy to talk to. I enjoy her questioning approach, and this has provided me the inner strength to embrace the most challenging situations and emerge as a stronger, better person. I am blessed to have Renu in my life.

Bharti Ahuja

Ms Renu Sethi of San Diego, California is a Certified Heal Your Life Teacher and a Guided Meditation Teacher. I have been learning Meditation and Yoga Breathing Exercises from her via zoom and have been truly inspired by her Teaching Methods. She is very calm, understanding, and a patient teacher. I strongly recommend her.

Kulbir Bhasin

I can’t thank Renu enough for what she has done for me. Her warm, intelligent, and inspiring classes have changed the way, I respond to stress. The way she explains things in an easy-to-follow manner has made me calmer and much better at handling day-to-day problems and stress. The STOP technique has been helpful in drawing awareness towards my thoughts and clear the mind of negativity. I have gained the ability to understand myself when I worry. I am really impressed by Renu’s kind, caring, and humane nature.

Case Studies

Success Story: Kanwar Bhasin, California, USA
The Challenge

Long hours in a demanding IT industry left him stressed. When COVID forced remote work, the change was tough. High stress led to insomnia, anxiety, and exhaustion, affecting his mental and physical health. His energy and motivation were very low. It was a challenging chapter that needed addressing urgently.

What we did
  • Enabled a New Perspective: I encouraged him to see stress from various angles, reshaping his mindset. This helped him tackle challenges with a positive outlook, diminishing their impact.
  • Built Stress Management Skills: Shared valuable tools and techniques for managing stress to tackle even the most daunting situations with confidence and resilience.
  • Increased Self-Awareness: This awareness allowed him to spot stress triggers and craft effective coping strategies, facilitating better emotional management.
  • Focused on Mindful Living: Learning to live in the present moment by focusing on the ‘now,’ he discovered a greater sense of peace and tranquility amidst life’s chaos.
Results we got
  • Physical Wellness and Stress Reduction: His resting heart rate and blood pressure lowered, reflecting a reduction in stress levels. This positive change also translated into better sleep quality, contributing to overall health.
  • Enhanced Emotional Balance: He became more focused and calmer, experiencing reduced anxiety levels. As a result, he noticed a decrease in alcohol cravings, attributed to a more balanced mind and reduced stress
  • Improved Mental Well-being: Enhanced his anger management skills. With newfound tools and strategies, he navigated emotional challenges with greater ease and resilience.
  • Holistic Transformation: It improved his physical health, reduced stress, and led to emotional balance. His enhanced ability to accepting change led him to find happiness and reshaped a positive outlook.

Client Testimonial-

“Renu’s sessions have been a life-changing course for me. This is, by far, the best “self-help” course I have ever undertaken. The way in which Renu helped me identify my issues, and addressed them was excellent because I was expertly guided to find my own solutions. This course has helped me feel calmer, more focused, and think more clearly. I can make more informed decisions now, I can sleep better, I am transforming my relationships, and I have increased energy. The meditation technique has helped me with a battle I have had with insomnia. Professionally, these sessions have helped me to be more effective in my communication with leaders, employees, peers, and internal customers; increased confidence in my own abilities; using coaching skills to help grow and develop my team; ability to better balance my passion for work and my time with family.”

Success Story: Glenda Mayer, San Diego, USA
The Challenge

A single mother who raised her children with no help for over 20 years, Glenda found it hard to relax. Her Type A personality and habit of constantly working made her feel wound up. This impacted her physically and emotionally. She wanted to be able to relax and take care of herself.

What we did
  • Uncovered the Obstacles: With each session, we discussed a topic of importance in her life. Over the course of several sessions we identified and unpacked the issues that were holding her back.
  • Focus on Attitude Building: Helped her shift her attitude towards the world and people she came in contact with by shifting her perspective.
  • Rediscovered Purpose: With in-depth work, questions and assignments, helped her get to the root of her core-self, including her strengths and issues.
  • Empowered with a toolkit: Taught her meditation advanced techniques to help her find the inner peace and stillness she desires.
Results we got
  • Self-discovery: Learned new things about herself, her perception of the world and deep-rooted issues which were unpacked and worked on. She healed her childhood traumas.
  • Enhanced Relationships: Saw a shift in relationships and dynamics after looking at situations from her family members’ perspective and her relationships wounds healed.
  • Deepened Self-love: Learned the importance of taking time out for herself. Is now able to sit quietly, and cater to her own needs.
  • Shift in Attitude: She has noticed subtle changes in herself and how she relates to the world around her. It has made her into a better person.

Client Testimonial –  

“My sessions with Renu have been very valuable.  At first, I was skeptical.  After the first session with Renu, I learned a few things about myself and how I relate to the world.  She gave me a little homework and taught me some easy mediation tricks.  As Renu and I met for the other sessions, we explored several aspects of life and how I relate to them.  I’ve learned a lot about myself.  I now have the beginning meditation skills which have been helpful in no many situations.  More importantly, I view myself differently and how I relate to those around me.  It’s subtle and not sure if others notice, but I do.  One of my big take-aways is self love and quietness.  I’ve never been one to take time for myself.  It’s always what is left over of me after everyone else is taken care of.  I am still struggling with it, but appreciate that Renu has brought this to my attention.  I am now taking more time for myself.  Taking time just to sit still and listen to myself…or nothing.  It has shifted my priorities in a good way and is, overall, making me a better person.  It has been very valuable and so glad Renu picked me as one of her subjects!”

Renu Sethi

Simplicity. Silence. Self-Love

The Logo Story

The HEART in the Logo represents the purest essence of the BEING that is LOVE. Three hearts represent Love in Thoughts, Love in Feelings, and Love in Karma (Action). The Circle symbolizes Renu ‘Being’ wrapped in an aura of Love and Warmth and that Energy can be yours too hence an open space to flow to you.

Download The Antidote to Stress

I know how stress can make you feel and how adversely it affects one and all. Even if you ignore its impact, the ailments you face, the fatigue you experience, and the indecisive state you may live in, are often an outcome of stress. Now, take control of the triggers. Instead of reacting, respond with my one-minute anti-stress strategy.

    Awaken your Inner Power to live a Life you Desire